Friends 1st

The Lethbridge Ringette Association is proud to support the Friends First Campaign

Friends First is a team based campaign, inspired by Hazel Skinner, who teaches young women to be kind, support one another and ‘pay it forward’.  Athletes on a team are encouraged to explore what makes them unique, and know that this diversity brings strength to a team.  Female athletes are Unique, Beautiful, Confident & Supportive.  Recognizing and encouraging these qualities provides a safe environment for a young woman to have the courage to explore her full potential.

LRA players at all age categories will wear a red lace on the right skate as the symbol of this campaign and reminds athletes to strive hard in all of their competitions, but remain “Friends First” with everyone in their sporting community.

We aim to eliminate negative competition between females, and replace it with a powerful inclusive Sisterhood that celebrates and embraces our unique skills and attributes.

The LRA and it's volunteer Board of Directors whole heartedly believe that ringette embodies the core values of this campaign.  The fundamental core beliefs of empowering females and having them achieve to their full potential is what our great sport is all about and what separates it from other male dominated sports.

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